If you’re dealing with muliple files in your scripts, it is best to package them all into one EXE. In this tutorial, I will show you how to package your scripts using WinRAR.
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Happy New Years!
The following script will use YoutubeinMP3.com’s API to download the audio from most YouTube Videos. All you have to edit is the $dest variable and insert the directory that you want your mp3’s to go.
Note: This does not work with all videos! I have contacted YoutubeinMP3.com to figure out why certain videos do not work.
try { $ytstring = Read-host "Please insert the Youtube Video ID" $json = Invoke-WebRequest "http://www.youtubeinmp3.com/fetch/?format=JSON&video=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=$ytstring" $dlurl = $json | ConvertFrom-Json | Select -Property link | Format-Table -HideTableHeaders | out-file url.txt $songtitle = $json | ConvertFrom-Json | Select -Property title | Format-Table -HideTableHeaders | out-file title.txt $filename = get-content title.txt $dest = "C:\Users\jespitia\Documents\Downloads\'$filename'.mp3" $url = get-content url.txt $uri = "$url" Invoke-Webrequest -Uri $uri -OutFile "$dest" } catch { write-host Please try another Video -ForegroundColor Red }
This Powershell Script will search through your registry and locate uninstall strings for your 32bit and 64bit programs. It is very easy to use and all you have to do is type in the name of the program to locate the uninstall string.
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Have you ever spent 20 minutes trying to explain how to download Teamviewer to a customer or family member? Well thankfully, we have a solution for this!
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Happy holidays!
I apologize that I haven’t posted anything new in a few days. I have been busy learning Powershell! In the mean time, here is another helpful FTP script.
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I recently have been messing around with Powershell and during my scripting tests, I came across a cmdlet called Invoke-WebRequest. It is an extremely powerful cmdlet that can grab data from a web page or web service. As I started to read about it, I decided that it would be neat to grab XML data from a website and display it in Powershell. During my search for an api, I came across http://www.omdbapi.com/, which is a free service that contains movie information.
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This script will backup a computer’s Bitlocker key and export it as a text file.
@ECHO OFF REM Set your backup directory SET DIRECTORY="YOUR DIRECTORY" REM Sets the Date SET CURRENTDATE="%date:~4,2%%date:~7,2%%date:~10,4%" ECHO Backing up Bitlocker Keys ping -n 3>nul REM Copying Bitlocker keys to a textfile manage-bde -protectors c: -get >"%DIRECTORY%\%CURRENTDATE%_%COMPUTERNAME%.txt CLS ECHO DONE ping -n 3>nul
The following script will echo the current user’s SID:
FOR /F "tokens=2" %%a in ('whoami /user /fo table /nh') do SET SID=%%a echo %sid%
The following script will echo any user’s SID that you typed in:
SET /P USERNAME_PROFILE="Enter the username here: " reg query "HKLM\software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\profilelist" /s >>reg_sid.txt findstr /n /i %USERNAME_PROFILE% reg_sid.txt>>sid_number.txt for /f "tokens=1 delims=:" %%i in (sid_number.txt) do set line_num=%%i set /a line_num=%line_num% - 2 for /f "skip=%line_num% tokens=7 delims=\" %%i in (reg_sid.txt) do set sid=%%i & goto :continue :continue for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%A in ('echo %SID%') do set SID=%%A set SID=%SID:~0,-1% del reg_sid.txt del sid_number.txt ECHO %USERNAME_PROFILE%'s SID is: %SID%
This batch script will compare your local and remote directories, and download what you do not have locally. This can be perfect for someone that has a seedbox and wants to automate their downloads to their local computer. Read more