How to reset your start menu layout in Windows 10 1809

Well Microsoft has changed things again since my last post that showed you how to reset the start layout in Windows 10 1709. Now with 1809 there is a new key name and it does look to be slightly random so I am now having to use a wildcard. I’m currently only testing every other build so please keep me updated if this breaks with a spring feature upgrade release.

Remove-Item 'HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\CloudStore\Store\Cache\DefaultAccount\*$start.tilegrid$'  -Force -Recurse
Get-Process Explorer | Stop-Process

Are you trying to reset the start layout for Windows 10 1709? Click here to find out how.


  1. Thanks for sharing this, came in handy.

  2. Sepehr Sohrabi

    Man you just saved my ass

  3. Serguei Kireev

    yeah, i agree with 2 commenters above, – very good one, been looking for a solution for 2hrs..

  4. Tested and this also works on Windows 10 v1903. Thanks.

    • Jose Espitia

      Thanks Michael! It’s good to know that this is still working. Now I just need to test with 1909 when I get a chance 🙂

  5. Michael Gibbert

    Windows 10 1909 appears to have removed the
    HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\CloudStore\Store\Cache\DefaultAccount. Any way to get around this that you have found?

    • Jose Espitia

      July 20, 2020 at 1:00 pm

      Hi Michael,
      I just logged into my Windows 10 1909 computer and the registry key location is still there.

  6. Hi there, thank you for your article and efforts – unfortunately for me, I don’t have a “DefaultAccount” in registry, but my start menu is still locked out.
    I’m an admin in my organisation and need to remove this from our estate.

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