AC Power Check For Laptops

The following script can be used in an SCCM or MDT upgrade task sequence to check if a laptop is connected to a charger. If the script detects that the laptop is not connected to a charger, it will prompt the user to connect the laptop to AC power.

$ChassisTypes = (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_SystemEnclosure).ChassisTypes

Switch($ChassisTypes) {

    3 { $Chassis = "Desktop" }
    4 { $Chassis = "Desktop" }
    5 { $Chassis = "Desktop" }
    6 { $Chassis = "Desktop" }
    7 { $Chassis = "Desktop" }
    8 { $Chassis = "Laptop" }
    9 { $Chassis = "Laptop" }
    10 { $Chassis = "Laptop" }
    11 { $Chassis = "Laptop" }
    12 { $Chassis = "Laptop" }
    14 { $Chassis = "Laptop" }
    15 { $Chassis = "Desktop" }
    16 { $Chassis = "Desktop" }
    18 { $Chassis = "Laptop" }
    21 { $Chassis = "Laptop" }
    23 { $Chassis = "Server" }
    31 { $Chassis = "Laptop" }

If($Chassis -eq "Laptop") {

    Do {
      $PowerStatus = (Get-WmiObject -Class BatteryStatus  -Namespace root\wmi -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).PowerOnLine

        If($PowerStatus -ne $True) {

            $TSEnv = New-Object -ComObject "Microsoft.SMS.TsProgressUI"
            $wshell = New-Object -ComObject Wscript.Shell
            $wshell.Popup("Please Connect AC Power - Click OK to Continue",0,"AC Power Check",0)
    Until($PowerStatus -eq $True)



  1. Jose – thanks for posting this script. I’m in the middle of creating a Win7 to Win10 In-Place upgraded SCCM TS. Does your script need to be changed to reflect different models of laptops? (We use Dell Latitudes)

    • Jose Espitia

      Hi Carlton,

      It does not require any changes for different models. Essentially the script uses the chassis number in the BIOS to determine if the machine is a laptop, desktop or server. Unless Dell comes up with a new chassis, the script will work. As of right now, I have not had any issues with any of the Dell computers that I have tested with.

  2. Marcel Moerings

    Nice script, but how would you implement this in a task sequence? Run a command line, run a powershell script, use serviceUI? I tried by just running it as a powershell script, but it errors out of the TS.

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