We recently purchased quite a few Dell XPS 13 9365 laptops and while testing our image; I noticed that the list of Windows Boot Manager entries in the BIOS was growing each time I would image the laptop. In order to get around this, I had to create the following script that would automatically scan through the Boot Configuration Data (BCD) store and remove all of the duplicate GUID’s that appear after running the image.
# CONFIGURE MDT LOGGING $TSenv = New-Object -COMObject Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment $LogPath = $TSenv.Value("LogPath") $LogFile = "$LogPath\WindowsBootManagerRemoval.log" Start-Transcript $LogFile # LOCATE GUID $Identifiers = BCDEDIT /ENUM FIRMWARE | Select-String "identifier" | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace "identifier" } If($Identifiers -ne $Null) { $IdentifierList = $Identifiers.Replace(" ","") | Where-Object {$_ -notcontains "{fwbootmgr}" -and $_ -notcontains "{bootmgr}"} Write-Host "" Write-Host "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" Write-Host "PREPARING TO REMOVE DUPLICATE WINDOWS BOOT MANAGER ENTRIES" Write-Host "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" Write-Host "" # REMOVE GUIDS ForEach($Identifier in $IdentifierList) { BCDEDIT /Delete $Identifier Write-Host "DELETED $Identifier" } } Else { Write-Host "SKIPPING - COULD NOT LOCATE DUPLICATE WINDOWS BOOT MANAGER ENTRIES" }
Once you are ready to use the script, go ahead and copy it over to your Deployment Share and add it to your State Restore group in your MDT Task Sequence.
Since this was not happening to all of our computer models, I made sure to add a Task Sequence condition that forced this step to only run for the Dell XPS 13 9365 laptops.
Feel free to leave any questions below!
I came across this post and looked to see if our machines have multiple Windows Boot Manager entries, and they do! What I dont know is why multiple Windows Boot Manager entries might be a problem? If you could elaborate a bit on this I would appreciate it! Thanks!
Jose Espitia
Our list of Windows Boot Manager entries grew exponentially on my test machines which forced me to sometimes scroll through all of the entries to find the PXE option in the BIOS. I didn’t see any major issues with having the list that large. It really just became a nuisance for me when I was using my test machines.
Alternatively you can reset BIOS settings to default and then reconfigure them to the previous config if it’s a personal machine.